Song Lists are still baller though, and I'm thinking about doing a new one.
Currently its raining in an alarming fashion outside (alarming because it just suddenly started and was very loud and nearly made me fall off my bed. kind of). My room is somewhat habitable as I can:
a) see the floor
b) navigate my way across said floor in the dark without bumping into/tripping over things (usually)
c) find things I'm looking for (semi rarely)
So I consider that a mini achievement. I also went to the grocery store around 10pm and bought pie and ice cream. The cashier was probably less than impressed with me, especially when I asked him where the lighters were. (update: Metro does not sell lighters. I was shocked). I wanted to explain that I didn't smoke cigarettes so I wasn't disgusting. I just needed a lighter to smoke the weed in inside the puffin my friend gave me. Perfectly logical right?
Ok I'm reevalutating the cleanliness of my room. It kind of looks like someone took one of those huge theatrical fans they use to create large winds in the movies, (or just wind to make the heroine's hair go all swooshy and everyone gasp being all whoaa look at her hair!) and went batshit crazy in my room.
Here is a picture of me with my new pot puffin friend, Cornelius:

That took WAY too long to orient. Ok, lets see if I can keep this blogging thing up. Off to work on another song list gbye
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