Monday, December 1, 2008


I have the HUNGER
what is the HUNGER you may ask? And why is it in all caps? 
because this is the primal animalistic feeling the cavemen felt when their bellies started rumbling. This is HUNGER
and for some reason the HUNGER is craving Quizno's even though I already had Quizno's today

by the way, eating in public when one has the HUNGER is a scary sight (I finished that sammich in like one minute without coming up for air :P)

Why is Quizno's so delicious anyway? I believe it has to do with the spicy things they put on every sammich. I believe those spicy things contain copious amounts of crack.
You may scoff now, but remember when they told us cigarettes were harmless? I may be on the verge of a massive discovery, one that Quizno's would probably pay me big bucks to keep quiet. I wonder if they would consider paying me in sammiches....Oooh! Or having a Quizno's in my house!! Or having Quizno's delivered to my house everyday! Perfect.

Oh damn the HUNGER
I am so getting two sammiches tomorrow
probably not
but I would like to

(side-note: my spell check wants me to change "Quizno's" to "Quiz no's or Quiz-no's." I ain't ever saying no to Quizno's. You just want all the sammiches to yourself, don't you spellcheck? Well thats not gonna happen, not while I'm in town)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Haha, I used to work at Quiznos. =P