Thursday, September 8, 2011

I drawed a kitty for you

oh hello thar I am teh cross eyed kitteh

no I is not knowing why I am teh pretty colors

I likes them

Want steaks

Mmmmm steaks

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011


So what you may not know about me is that I am an avid redditor, specifically I'm active in r/trees. Now r/trees has this thing about pineapples. I won't try to explain, suffice it to say they're awesome. So today I'm watching anime and all of a sudden...

pineapples. lots of pineapples. I think this is the universe's way of saying I need to smoke more weed. :P

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

konata pony

More messing around on paint :P

Sunday, March 27, 2011

So I've been wondering...

Hypothetically, would one float IN a contact lens or float ON a contact lens? I mean, it makes sense to say on because you are on a contact lens but what if its filled with water like a mini bathtub? Then would you be floating IN it? I feel like this needs to be illustrated:

So what say you people?
Here are the responses I've gotten so far

friend #1: "On I think?"
friend #2: "Depends on how big it is!"
friend #3: "Depends which side the concave end is facing"
boyfriend: "Ummm float on a contact lens I think"

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

psychedelic turkey

So I'm watching this video, (which is the making of this video) which I've watched goodness knows how many times. And I decided that the words "psychedelic turkey tail" are possibly my favorite string of words ever. So to express my love, affection, and borderline insanity, I decided to make this picture. Enjoy.

PS. I may decide to edit it more, haven't decided yet